A set of thirty Gregorian Masses is offered for the repose of the soul of a deceased loved one. This privilege was given to religious communities by Pope St Gregory the Great in the sixth century, and the time honored tradition of the celebration of the Gregorian Mass continues to this day by our Franciscan priests.
In accordance with a Catholic tradition of over 1300 years, a series of Gregorian Masses is offered on 30 consecutive days for the repose of the soul of a departed person.
The name “Gregorian Mass” derives from the Catholic Pope Saint Gregory the Great who was the first to popularize this pious practice. St. Gregory relates in his Dialogues how, when he had finished the series of thirty Gregorian Masses for a departed monk, the monk appeared to tell how he had thus gained entry into glory on completion of the thirtieth Gregorian Mass.
The hallowed tradition has been declared a pious and reasonable belief of the faithful on the authority of the Sacred Roman Congregation on Indulgences. The customary offering for the uninterrupted series of thirty consecutive Masses (for one departed soul only) is an offering of $300, which is a suggested $10 stipend per Mass.
These Masses can also be pre-arranged for oneself upon death. To prearrange a series for yourself please call our Development Office at 1-866-695-3802 or visit this page.