Feast of St. Francis – Day of Celebration
St. Bernardine Monastery Campus 793 Monastery Road, HollidaysburgRummage Sale and Gift Shop Fall Sale, Rosary (3:00), Pet Blessing (3:30), and Mass (4:00), Food and Baked Goods for Sale, Bring a lawn chair or blanket!
Columbus Day
Office Closed
All Saints Day (Holy Day of Obligation)
Office Closed
Veterans Day
Office Closed
Advent Workshop Series
St. Bernardine Monastery 768 Monastery Road, HollidaysburgPart 1 of 4: Join the friars for a time of reflection, prayer, and fellowship exploring Advent themes. A lite lunch with the friars will follow the workshop at noon. Registration is REQUIRED.
Thanksgiving Day
Office and Gift Shop Closed
Thanksgiving Observance
Office and Gift Shop Closed
Small Business Saturday
Friar's Nook Gift Shop 793 Monastery Road, HollidaysburgAdvent Workshop Series
St. Bernardine Monastery 768 Monastery Road, HollidaysburgPart 2 of 4: Join the friars for a time of reflection, prayer, and fellowship exploring Advent themes. A lite lunch with the friars will follow the workshop at noon. […]