Saint of the Day
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Saint Oswald
Saint Oswald Saint of the Day for February 29 (605 – August 5, 642) Click to hear audio clip ► The last acts in the life of today’s saint make for an amazing story. In truth, they merely underscore the holiness he exhibited throughout his life. Born into a military family in 10th-century England, Oswald was […]
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Saint Ignatius of Loyola Saint of the Day for July 31 (October 23, 1491 – July 31, 1556) Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s Story The founder of the Jesuits was on his way to military fame and fortune when a cannon ball shattered his leg. Because there were no books of romance on hand during his convalescence, Ignatius […]
Saint Peter Chrysologus
Saint Peter Chrysologus Saint of the Day for July 30 (c. 406 – c. 450)v Saint Peter Chrysologus’ Story A man who vigorously pursues a goal may produce results far beyond his expectations and his intentions. Thus it was with Peter “of the Golden Words,” as he was called, who as a young man became bishop of […]